Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Storage mechanism for Two Wheelers - Tyre/s - Bikes, tyre puncture, rear tyre


Storage mechanism for Two Wheelers  - Tyre/s - Bikes

There are Two Wheelers, Three Wheelers and Four Wheelers running on the Road.

What i observe in Two Wheelers i.e Bikes is there is no storage mechanism
for keeping extra Tyre/s which can be useful to the Driver in case there
is a tyre puncture while travelling on the road.

In Two wheelers Scooters, the tyre has a smaller circle radius,the extra Tyre
in a Scooter is fixed behind the rear tyre seat.

In three Wheelers Auto rickshaws the extra tyre is kept near engine placement
i.e rear/back door

In four Wheelers viz cars, jeeps the extra tyre and fixing tools can be kept in the storage mechanism i.e rear door.

In four Wheelers heavy vehicles viz Buses, Trucks, Lorries etc the extra tyre can be kept down below fixed.  

Is there any way to Keep a Storage mechanism for Bikes two wheelers ?. What could be the design for the same
if it is to be achieved ? can we keep the tyre below the seat where the driver is seating ?

Note : Observed that the tyres for each of the two, three and four wheeler vehicles is a circle and has a Different Radius
and circumference.

Awaiting your Reply,

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar

ANSWER: That is an interesting question. I have observed spare tires carried on motorcyclists taking very long journeys and traveling through areas where spare motorcycle parts are not easily obtainable. However, most of these are not installed on the rim and intended to be mounted if or when they experience a flat tire.

One of the difficulties for carrying a spare tire on a motorcycle is locating a suitable place to store it on the motorcycle. The second problem is that most motorcycles use different size tires for the front and rear wheels. If it is desirable to carry a spare tire, it would be necessary to carry two spare tires, one of each size. This would increase the problem of locating a suitable place to store two of them on the motorcycle.

Thank you for you question. I hope I have answered it to your satisfaction.

Tom Wright

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Storage mechanism for Two Wheelers  - Tyre/s - Bikes, tyre puncture, rear tyre
Motorcycle Tool Kit  

Thank you.

The Spare Tyre, Jacks, Fixing Tools have to have a necessary storage
area mechanism while designing the Motorcycle.

Suppose you had been a Motorcycle/Bike Designer, where you could have kept the Spare Tyre, Jacks and other fixing tools ? i.e Storage Area.

Awaiting your Reply,

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar


If I were a designer and placed more emphasis on utility versus aesthetics I would place the spare tires as low as possible in order to disrupt the balance of the motorcycle as little as possible. It would be most advantageous to keep the extra weight as close to the center of the motorcycle as possible.

Taking into consideration the limited space which is available on a motorcycle for storage and carrying extra parts it may be more valuable to provide a means to carry a tire repair kit and build a small air compressor into the design of the motorcycle.

I am not a motorcycle design person so these suggestions are simply my considered opinion.
