Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: street legal, motor vehicle department, paperwork requirements

I'm building a motorcycle from scratch. What do I have to do
to make it street legal.


I can speak mostly about the requirements in New Jersey but I would guess that some of the information is universal.

First, I'd suggest contacting your state's Motor Vehicle Department for specifics.

Usually you will need receipts for all parts used on the bike, at a minimum all of the major components such as engine, frame, etc. Receipts can be very important. Photographs of the motorcycle as you complete the process are also beneficial. A well documented construction project with receipts can go a long way to have the paperwork go through most smoothly.

Most states will issue a "reconstructed" or "home built" title for the bike once it is done. Some states require an inspection either by the state's DMV or State Police.

If you call your state Department of Motor Vehicles or check their website for special titles or if on the telephone, explain what you are doing and ask for the department that handles those vehicles and titles.

Try to get as knowledgeable up front so that you are prepared when it comes time to apply for the title and be sure you will have all of the paperwork requirements met.

Good luck with the project. If you are from NJ I can give more specific advice.

Thank you for the question. I hope the information helps.

Tom Wright