Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: DUI restrictions, interlock device, interlock system
QuestionHello, question for you. My boyfriend got a DUI awhile ago and he will soon be getting his license back but with the interlock restriction temporarily. He used to have a motorcycle and he is talking about getting another one soon. I'm assuming they cant install an interlock system on a motorcycle.. so can he legally ride a motorcycle while having an interlock restriction on his license? Thanks so much for your help
AnswerThe laws on interlock devices are distinctive to each state. I am not aware of any that are manufactured to be installed on motorcycles. Typically the state who issues the order for the interlock device will have an agency who serves as lead on the installation and monitoring of the devices. I suggest you contact the agency in your state for more specific information.
I'm sorry I could not give you a more definitive reply without more detailed information on your state.
Thank you for using this service if I can be of any further assistance please contact me again.
Tom Wright