QuestionAndrew, this may be off topic...but doyou have any English speaking web sites for the Italica motor cycle co. I'm trying to bring a new one into Canada from Mexico, I got as far as the Can. border. Can. does not recognize the name Italica, But I know they are here under a different name. Any ideas from the UK, the home of my favorite classics?
AnswerThanks for the praise of the British machines Miles, I agree, they are the best in the world. As for Italica, all I know is that they are made in China by Taizhou Zhongneng Motorcycles and don't have a particularly good reputation, although that could be simply a matter of them being a new company so therefore have no reputation built up as yet.
I have found this information for you from the US DMV which refers to a company in Florida applying for an import license. This would prove to me that they must exist under this name somewhere otherwise they could not be imported to the US who are, lets face it, very fussy about what they import and from where.
Good luck, let me know how you get on.
Hot Scooters, LLC
Notice of Publication for a New Point
Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer in a County of More
than 300,000 Population
Pursuant to Section 320.642, Florida Statutes, notice is given that Italica Motors, Inc., intends to allow the establishment of Hot Scooters, LLC, as a dealership for the sale of motorcycles manufactured by Taizhou Zhongneng Motorcycle Co. Ltd. (ZHNG) at 1316 North Federal Highway, Hollywood (Broward County), Florida 33020, on or after April 21, 2009.
The name and address of the dealer operator(s) and principal investor(s) of Hot Scooters, LLC are dealer operator(s): Urso Giuseppe, 1316 North Federal Highway, Hollywood, Florida 33020; principal investor(s): Urso Giuseppe, 1316 North Federal Highway, Hollywood, Florida 33020