Questionhello, my question is about passenger riding, my girlfriend being the passenger. her dad, and step dad, both have cruisers, so being on the back of a bike is not new to her. the difference is, i want a sport bike. an R6, or a GSXR 600. she has sat on the back of both, but the thing that she does not like that 1. she feels like she is too high. and 2: she feels like she is too far away from me. She sat on the back of an SV650S today with me, and liked that better. but that type of bike doesn't do it for me. so i am wondering if there are any sport bikes that might solve her problem, or better yet, how to solve the problem with her sitting on the back of a GSXR 600. please help.
AnswerProblem is, 600cc sportbikes just aren't designed for two-up comfort. They're homologated race machines meant for just one person to ride it as fast as they can. The passenger seat and pegs are mostly decoration. They don't have a lot of practical application on the street.
Believe me, I love the 600s, but you might need to look at a different type of bike, or have her take the class and ride her own bike.
Sport-touring bikes (the VFR 800 is a good example) have better passenger accommodations.
A technique that I've heard helps is to have the passenger put her hands on the tank while riding behind you. Sitting up high, if you're a good passenger and can keep from destabilizing the bike, can be a nice way to go. You can see everything instead of just the back of someone's helmet.