Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Street legal dirt bike conversion, dirt, bike

Dear Pat. I had meet you at the aerostich rallye this summer. I am trying to find out what it takes to street title my XR 650. I have the DOT lights and horn and tires. I could not find anything on this subject through the DMV in minnesota can you guide me in the right direction

Sure, it's simple enough.

Make sure the bike has all the required equipment to be street legal: headlight with high and low beam, muffler, horn, mirror.

Find a law enforcement officer to inspect your bike (verify that it's street legal, road worthy) and write you an official letter that says so. This is the hardest part. Go to the local PD, sheriff, or state patrol and ask them to do you this favor. Your tax dollars pay their salary and this is technically part of their job, but it doesn't come up very often and they do have to take time out from their other duties, so be patient.

Take the letter and MSO/MCO for your bike into the license bureau or exam station and apply for a title and plate. If you don't have an MSO/MCO (manufacturer statement/certificate of origin) take four photos of the bike, one from each side, and there'll be a little more paperwork, but not much.

Feel free to give me a call if you have any further questions: 651-201-7566.
