Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: downshifting and braking, police roadcraft, motorcycle instructor

Hi, I am having a problem with downshifting and braking.  I am not sure how to downshift correctly or what "blip" means, which I have read in a lot of info I have found.

When coming to a turn where I have to slow or to a stop sign, I have been holding the cluth and then going from 4th to 1st without letting the clutch out at all.  Is that bad?  How quickly can you switch between gears, and what is the correct motions?


Hello Sheryl

I can only advise you on the way I have been trained as a Police Motorcycle Instructor, having read the Police Roadcraft.
The secret is getting the speed right before getting the gear, especially on the downshift.  To reduce speed , this should be done with the brakes.  Forget this 'Blip' thing.
The way you are going from 4th to 1st is 'block changing', no problem if the speed is right, just a matter of clicking down the gears, with clutch in.

The Roadcraft way:
Check out my pdf -

