Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Choosing a bike, test driving motorcycle, cruiser motorcycles

I've decided to step up from my HD Sportster 1200 to a bigger bike. It's between the Dyna and the Heritage. I want in-town zip and long haul comfort. 2-up. A few overnights are desirable... but I'm confused as heck. The local HD dealership sez the Heritage is not a cruiser (this despite coming std with bags, forward controls, and windshield - and the fact that they can't seem to keep one on the showroom floor!) their reasoning - I'm told, is that the Heritage has a rigid mounted engine (more vibration) while the Dyna has a rubber mounted engine. I'd ride both for a comparision but the local dealer won't let Anyone do that - you can sit on it and that's it. (How lame is that). So can you shed any light on my dilemia?

Clay - I do understand your dilemma.  Personally, I would not purchase a bike that I cannot test drive, especially at the prices of the HD models you are considering.  I would find another dealer, or would arrange to rent one - each model, and try them out.

I would also write a letter of complaint to the owner of the HD dealership.  They just lost a customer.

Best of luck to you!