Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: rear brakes, motorcycle enthusiast, rear brakes
QuestionHey pat i replaced my rear tire. I had to spread the brake pads apart and when i did, a clip fell off from somewhere in the brake assembly fell out, i am just hoping you can let me know where i can find some free diagrams that show the rear brake assenmbly, so i can put the clip back on. Thank you.
AnswerI have the best luck with online motorcycle discussion forums. Google search "discussion forum <your bike make/model here>" and see what pops up. You'll probably have to sign up, get a password, etc. when you find one, but it's worth it. There'll be 500 or 5000 other people with your same bike sharing information--how-to, safety, modifications, maintenance, etc.
People in online motorcycle enthusiast forums are generally welcoming and helpful, someone will either send you a pdf of their shop manual page with the brake components or someone will describe for you where to put it.