Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Cowardly motorcycle passenger..., passenger, pillion

So, now that my husband has had his bike for THREE years, now, I've finally bought myself a helmet so I can ride with him.  Today, we went for our first ride.  I had to get off after just a couple of blocks.  Now that I've read some of the answers here, I get it.  I was SICK, I had no way to communicate with him, our first "planned" trip was WAY too long, and I did NOT feel safe.  Now I've perused this site, I know I ought to go to a BRC, get a bit more gear, and take it slow.
But really feeling safe - any tips for riding on the back of a '90 Kawasaki Ninja 600/650?  I've seen riders that have both hands behind them on the TINY bar, I've seen riders holding the drivers, but I just can't imagine being comfortable....
I've already made an investment in the helmet, and I know part of this is just plain fear I will grow out of, and he was a REAL sport -- he made no rude comments when we met back up, and said he was already done being mad about it.  This is something he absolutely LOVES and I want to be a part of it, maybe even get my own bike someday (my Aunt got her first bike at age 40, and rode every year until she just physically couldn't handle it by herself any more) and go on tours with him.
Thanks for your time.

Ha! At least you're willing to keep trying!

The trick here will be to ease into it more. Start out on shorter trips during times when traffic is at low ebb. Keep it fun (go for ice cream, go visit some nearby town, go to a movie, etc.) and keep it slow and predictable. As you do this more, you'll get more comfortable and familiar and all that other stuff will sort itself out.

Hold on to his hips. Look over his shoulder in the direction you're leaning/turning. Grip the bike tightly with your legs. And take lots of breaks. It's a lot of work, physically, to be a good passenger.

And I recommend you take a look at my Web site, there is a lengthy "co-rider seminar" written by a good friend of mine. If after reading that you still have questions, please feel free to fire them off. Here's the link:

If the link doesn't work, go to, at the top of the home page click on "Riding Tips," and on the right side of the Riding Tips page click on "Passengers." There are two sections, one (short) one for the rider/driver, and one (LONG) one for the passenger.

Good luck and keep smiling!
