Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: downshifting to pass during highway driving, triumph t100, youtube

QUESTION: I ride a Triumph T100 Bonnie (2006) and feel I have plenty of get up and go to pass in top gear, but a friend of mine says I should downshift a gear before I pass to get more power. Is it safer to downshift to pass cars on highways? My speed may be from 65 to 85 mph as I pass. I feel I could go faster if I needed without downshifting.

ANSWER: Given the type of motorcycle, twin cylinder and the power it delivers, I just can not see what you would gain in downshifting.  The Bonneville is low revving with a lot of torque and at the speeds you are quoting, no need,



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Since my friend is still insisting that downshifting is safer, could it be that he needs to with his Classic Vulcan 1500 (1993)? He has recently had to replace his gears and I wonder if that's because he slams down a gear to pass. He likes to ride fast - 85 to 100 mph.

Hello Jane

I am at a bit of a loss here.  The motorcycles you are talking about have torque till it comes out of your ears, and with overtakes, I still question Downshifting.  I have a lot of vids on Youtube with my name being advancedbiker.  Have a look at some and I will try and get some on overtaking.  I train riders in Advanced Training and downshifting never comes up if you plan your overtake.  If you can play PAL region 1 DVD's I can send you one.

My private e-mail is [email protected]


Thanks for the comments, it is appreciated.