Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Motorcycle Stability and Road Hazard Expertise, ambulance service, adequate state

I had an accident driving my Harley on a highway after dark as a result of gaps in the road surface material.   I need expertise to help me evaluate whether I have good claim that the road surface defects caused my wreck.  Can you point me at any studies or institutes or schools or businesses with this kind of expertise?   What kind of trial experts do I need?  Who can you recommend?  Where else would you suggest that I go to ask these questions?   I would be happy if you forwarded my query to anyone that you think might be able to help me get answers to any of these questions.  

Well Prime, I'm in the UK so unfortunately the legal position will be different, I will of course give what advice I can but it will be pretty generic and won't be admissible in a US court.
First of all, I hope you and the bike aren't too badly injured and will be back on the road soon.
What any lawyer will need to establish first is where to apportion blame. Who is responsible for the upkeep of the highway where the accident occurred? Can they be proven to be negligent in their duty of maintenance? (Photographic evidence of the state of the road, witnesses etc). Unfortunately, in the UK at least, whether the accident happened after dark or not makes no difference as there is no legal responsibility to light a highway unless it is in a residential area. What was your speed? Was the vehicle in an adequate state of repair? Were the police or ambulance service called to the incident? There would ideally need to be a professional examination as to the cause of the accident but this is not always necessary. Unfortunately, your description of the accident is too vague to give a definitive answer, in what way did the gaps in the surface cause the accident?
I would suggest that you look to a local motorcyclist club if you have one to see if there is anyone who can give appropriate legal advice for the US which it would seem is where you are from.
If you can supply me with more details as to the circumstances, road conditions, weather, location, bike details and speed, I will try to get some more accurate advice for you.
Sorry I can't be more help at the moment but I hope you can appreciate that advice of this sort can only be given with as many accurate details as possible.