Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: wat is the right size 4 stroke bike 4 me, stroke bike, honda 400
Questionhello i am a 13 year old who has never ridden before i want something fairly cheap and it has to be a four stroke i am 5'11 and weigh 230 pounds wat size bike should i get
AnswerA used 125 would be a good starter bike. They are very light and nimble with enough power to steer with the rear when needed. The problem with 400 cc's or more is that the newer ones,such as the Honda 400 is just too damn fast. A couple of buddies got them and with all my experience on fast street bikes and 250 dirtbikes it can be a handful sometimes. As with any sport or skill, technique should be perfected first and getting something,new,shiny or really powerful should come along as your skill increases.