Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Smallest Safe Motorcycle w/ Pull Behind Trailer, honda shadow, safety tip

I've been looking for a trailer hitch for my 2001 Honda Shadow (750dc) but haven't been able to locate one.  I asked an online shop about this and he said they don't carry them and it's not recommended (by them) to pull a trailer with a bike that's less than 1100cc.  Have you heard of any such safety tip?

I am not familiar with the art and mechanics of pulling a trailer.

I've never seen a bike with a trailer that's smaller than 1100cc. There's probably a reason for that.

However, if you're not carrying a passenger, I can't see how a 200-lb trailer would affect your bike any more than a 200-lb passenger would.

My recommendation is to find an online forum for this type of enthusiast and ask around, see if anyone else does it, or what they recommend.
