Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: 1981 Honda CB750C electrical question, honda cb750c, auto electrician

My 1981 Honda CB750C runs perfectly, but, suddenly when I turn the ignition key, I get no indicator lights, no starter, no nothing.  The battery is new, and the short does NOT drain the  battery.  I replaced all the fuses, still no luck. The problem was intermittent, but now I'm dead in the water.

I would rather not undertake re-wiring the entire bike.  Does anyone have any ideas as to where to start to find this troublesome short?



Well Jeff, it seems very similar to a problem I had with my CB750 back in the 80's. It's not always the case but if you switch on the headlamp and turn the starter, does the lamp go dim? That would indicate a duff starter motor.
My CB750 had a very similar problem and even though the headlamp didn't dim when I tried to start her, it turned out after being checked by an auto-electrician that the starter was in fact totally knackered! Otherwise the bike was a joy to ride and totally reliable, no matter what they said on the worlds top 100 bikes about it being TOO reliable as to be boring!
Worth exploring?
Not really my expertise this question but it seemed very similar to the problem I had.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
