Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Gears, cbr 600rr, msf course

i recently purchased a 2007 CBR 600RR. I rode around all day and the the next i came to start the bick.  it wouldn't start and my neutral light is off.. i shifted through gears while the bike is on/off) and still couldn't manage to have the gear light select neutral. When i start the bike with the key the green N lights up so i know the bulb isn't out or no shortage. I tried click up once to go into 1st then half down to back to "N" and nothing.  Any ideas?

Chris, you need to go take the basic MSF course. Call 800-446-9227 to find a course near you. I recommend you do not ride the bike until you've completed the course.

A Honda won't start if it's in gear with the sidestand down. You could try taking a look at the owner's manual.

The best way to find neutral is with the engine running. When you park the bike for the night, put it in neutral before you shut it off. If the engine isn't spinning, it's tricky to find neutral. Bikes have no reason to shift unless they're moving, thats' why it doesn't want to find neutral.

Neutral is between 1st and 2nd gear. You will always need to click "down" to find first gear. There is no position your gearbox can be in in which you'd need to click "up" to find first gear. "Up" will get you neutral and/or 2nd through 6th gears. If you clicked "up" you probably put it into 3rd gear, so clicking halfway down won't find you neutral.

Seriously, take the class. I fear for your safety. Shifting and finding neutral are pretty unimportant, and if you're having trouble with those things, you definitely are having trouble with the big stuff. I know you feel like you know what you're doing, but trust me, you need to hit the books. Dig?

Have fun, ride safe, and be careful.
