Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: stalls without choke, none of those things, throttle cable

Got a new bike 07 KL250, took it out on the trails, managed to lay it down after only 2 days (at about 15kph,) barely any body damage done, wasnt a hard hit. I road it back home and it ran fine the entire way, I let it sit for about 5 hours before deciding to go out for another ride. When i went to start it with the choke all the way out I had to give a little throttle then it started idling like it has been. As soon as I release the choke it stalls unless ofcourse I apply more throttle. It refuses not to stall and its plenty warm and all fluids are up to level. Thinking fluids went where fluids should not be and was wondering if you have any tips to maybe fix the possible problem.

Warning: I am NOT a good mechanic! Take this with a grain of salt.

It's not getting enough fuel. When you fell it wrenched something, maybe a throttle cable or fuel line, that's now not letting enough fuel to the carb. It could be you wrenched the choke cable too. Check your controls to make sure everything is tight, but with a little cable freeplay. If none of those things work, you're going to need to take the bowl off the carb and make sure it's not damaged and the float is not bent wierdly. Check the idle screw too.
