Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: new tires, lean angles, heat cycles
QuestionHello...I just recently bought a 85 eliminator zl900. It is a very good bike for the years. This is the first bike I have ever owned and want to treat it right. I spung a 2in screw in my rear tire. I have read that pluggin the tire is only concidered tempory at best. So a new set is beeing mounted right now. Tell me what precausions are there for 'brake in'period of the tires. thanks for reading ...
AnswerThe precautions are pretty simple--tires are "slippery" for the first 80 miles or so. You'll want to "heat cycle" them: warm them up (by riding on them for at least 20 minutes) and let them cool down (at least two hours) three or four times before they're properly broken in. You could do this all in a day, or you could do it over the period of a week or month, doesn't matter.
At first, the first 10 miles or so, they'll be like ice. Avoid dramatic accelleration, braking, and lean angles. Once they're warmed up, gradually lean a little farther and farther over, scrubbing in the sides of the tires a little at a time. You can even take a hard file and scrub that factory-fresh surface off them to help the process along.
After four heat cycles and 80-100 miles, they'll be broken in and ready for whatever you dish out.