Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Choosing bike, stock pipes, honda 1100

Morning Bill. Question regards choosing a bike that will satisfy me, with a limited amount to spend. Firstly, I am TRYING to stay in the $3800-4200 price range. From what I've seen in the local paper and on line, I am thinking I am in the 94-95 Honda 1100 category?? A good friend has a HUGE powerful Harley, and I want a C.C. that can keep up. I figure if I sacrifice a year or two, and mileage I can get the larger engine for the same price?? I am a small man (5'10, 155), but my wife is robust (5'4, 200). The bike would mostly be used on medium length cruises of 2 hours or less. I suppose my question is... how much power difference is there between the Shadow 750 and the 1100?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated... Thank You Bill.... Jim

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the question.

The power difference between the 750 and 1100 is substantial. For the kind of riding you are considering (mostly in regards to the combined weight of your wife, yourself and whatever you decide to bring along), an 1100 is definitely in order. Especially if you are going to be keeping pace with an big-inch Harley. The 750 is fine for one person, but you'd find yourself revving the hell out of it to keep up if you loaded up the missus and some saddlebags.

Fortunately, there are tons of Honda 1100's out there from the period you specify, so you should be able to stay on budget. Try to get a bike as close to stock as possible. If the pipes have been changed for "better sound", see if the owner still has the stock pipes. Reinstall them if possible. Most cruisers that get "louder pipes" lose a considerable amount of power in the deal (usually in the midrange rpm, which is where you need it), so look for a stock bike if possible. Let the Harley make all the noise.

Good luck shopping and ride smart!

Bill Roberson