Used Cars: auto loan, used, car

We are buying a car in north carolina which is completely paid off now but the dealer refused to give us the title and actually repod the vehicle for "late fees" which isnt even stated in the contract and even states on the contract that nothing verbal is binding. I feel this is not legal but I need to know what web site to go to to get the laws for nc so I can view them myself. Any advice is appriciated.

Hi Sharon,

You have 2 options to work with,,, google key words to find a link that may provide some answers.

Another way,,, link to on my website,,, click on the yellow banner " legal advice "and submit your case, it's totally free and you will be contacted if a lawyer feels you got a case. If you have problems with navigations in the site, get back to me and I will walk you through it.

Have a Blessed day
From the computer of
Ray Paulsen