QuestionQUESTION: My Husband bought a 2009 Dodge Caravan from a dealership in manitoba Canada with approx. 65000kms at 70236kms we took it for an oil change at a different dealership with a inspection done it showed that the tie rod ends were loose, the strut bearings and mounts were binding the bracket/roller/hinge on the sliding door needed to be replaced and a rear tire sensor was missing. Before getting anything fixed we took it to the dealer we bought it from said we wanted out of our contract for selling an unsafe vehicle . we were told NO we were past any warranty also so it could not be fixed unless we paid, but we had asked for extended warranty instead they gave us life insurance and when signing they said this is your warranty! this was our first purchase of a vehicle with no help at all we signed without relizing what it REALLY said. We tried for a volunteer release of the van but they said it was just like a repo so after 4000 in repairs and only paying 3000 on the van we said just get it outta here (its been repo'd)!!!! Is there now ANYTHING we can do????
ANSWER: Hi Jolene,
I like to comment about your post, but first please tell me whom this dealer is along with location
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It was Murray Dunn The Pas Manitoba but there were some people there at the time having a big sale along with murray dunn (It was a Murray Dunn Dealer who sold us the van)
AnswerChecked the dealer for overall reputation and they got a clean record, on the other hand this being your first experience the dealer took advantage and you made some major mistakes.
For future purchase please understand a vehicle can pass safety and still have mechanical problems,,, passing safety is all about being safe - brakes - tires - lights - seatbelts etc
I don't know how your credit was prior to purchase but , now with the Repo you got a long road ahead of you, wish you would have been able to study this link prior to purchase and you would not have been in this mess.
I wish I could wave a magic wand and make your problems go away, sorry you must put the experience behind you, like the old saying goes, burn me once but never twice.