In a few months, I will be looking to buy my first car and it will most likely be used. I know that I will have to have auto insurance but I know that only physical damages are covered and that used cars do not come with warranties for mechanical problems especially if I were to buy it from a private party. So, how should I go about buying a good but cheap used car? I know that certified pre-owned are top notch but often very expensive. Is it possible to buy a car, auto insurance and a warranty for the car? Thanks!
AnswerHi Frankie,
To many questions I receive is after the fact trying to get buyers out of a jam, your post I really like, you got time on your hands to learn the process buying a car and not ending up with a lemon by doing a little homework prior to purchase.
Being a first time driver buying auto Insurance can be very expensive subject to make of vehicle, an excellent starting point to choose which one's are affordable before wasting time shopping ,,, buying a warranty for any vehicle can be a total waste of money unless you know how to deal with it.
I want you to take time and study my website for pointers,,, you will get to understand the difference buying from a dealer vs private, how to stay away from scam warranties along with knowing how to buy a car to ensure valid value.
Make notes on anything that you don't fully understand and feel free to post them for an answer