Used Cars: Purchased 2007 Impala from Chevrolet used dealer, attorney generals office, state attorney generals
QuestionI purchased a 2007 Impala from a Chevrolet used car lot on 9/10/10. It is now 10/18/10 and the car still has not been registered to me. I have been given 3 temporary stickers and the 3rd is due to expire once again on 10/23. I put down $2000 to get the car. Can I take this car back to the car lot and have my security deposit returned? It's clear that something isn't right and I've contacted the DMV. The only thing the DMV of Michigan has done is to fine the dealer because they shouldnt be able to sell a car w/o having the title and they only have 15 days to apply for new title in my name. As well as they should only give out 1 temp sticker per vehicle. Please help
car guy
Hi Precious,
You are correct something smells on this deal. My question is: You said you put $2,000 down which I assume means you financed the balance? Has your financing been approved or not? Even if the car you bought was traded in by someone else and the dealer had to pay the vehicle off (adding another 7-10 days to the process)he dealer could have escaped he fine by simply filing a notice w/ DMV (which is very common here in Oregon) telling them the title is in process. have you had to make a payment on this car yet? The 1st payment is generally due no later than 45 days from the date of the contract.
What is the dealer telling you when you call them? Here is what I know is true. When someone complainsto the State Attorney Generals office the dealer is sent a letter and asked to respond. No one is ever in a big hurry and the ramifications to the dealer 90% of the time are nothing but a complaint into their file. But when DMV gets involved they show up right at your door step and ask to see the deal file and the vehicle file and sometimes they set up shop nd go through 100 files at the same time. They go through your entire temp book looking for violations like you described and they don't ask for answers they demand them. They have glasses that allow them to see right thru BS and they have the ability to pull your license whenever they feel they need to in order to protect thje public. In the world of automotive retailing, it's DMV that accounts for more sleepless nights for the dealer than anything else.
My gut feeling on this is that there is probably a problem with the financing end of things as it's not uncommon for a dealer to roll" a car with the customer then worry about getting financing in place later. In my stores if we don't have financing in place within 3 days we call you up and reel the car back in and refund your money on the spot. Until they are able to do what they need to do to fibnalize the deal you can take the car back and get your deposit back. If you are asked to go in and sign anything at all then your deal isn't done and there is no legally binding contract in place or they wouldn't be asking you to sign anytyhing new. If you don't like the car and you have had enough I would take it and drop it off and hand one of the salespeople the keys and thebn leave! When you get home call the tore and ask when you can pick up your deposit. If you stay they will do everything they can to talk you out of it. Go home then call where you have control not them
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