QuestionI purchased a used car at a Used Car Dealer in New Yersey which did not have an Inspection Sticker. At the Government Inspection Station it failed for brakes. I took it to a private reinspection station which failed the front end. Question? Does the Dealership have a financial responsibility that the car passes inspection.
On something like that you are going to have to check with a local governing office.
Every state has their own rules and regulations.
Here in Oklahoma, we used to have inspection stickers, but even when we had to have inspection stickers, it was not required by a dealer to have brakes and front ends inspected, it was just general stuff like blinkers, lights, tires, insurance, and other minor stuff.
Most of the time stuff like brakes and front ends, falls under a dealers inspection of the vehicle, if they are a good place, with a good reputation. But obviously, not all will do so.
If your question was presented to me from an Oklahoman, and I did not know the answer, I would have them call the Used Parts and Motor Vehicle Commission, you might see if there is a place like that in New Jersey.