QuestionI purchased a used car about 2 years ago, I asked for the carfax and the sales man showed me the carfax on his computer and no where did it say it was in an accident. fast forward to now when i try and trade in my car i see the carfax and it was actually in an accident. the car was in an accident in earlyJune, then 3 days later it showed it at the dealership and three months later i purchased it.
I would have never purchased this car knowing it had been into an accident.
is there anything i can do? i will get a lawyer.
AnswerHi Lindsey
This is a Question I have come across quite a few times and you being upset I fully understand, however much time has passed and it comes down to prove misrepresentation with most cases ending up " He said She said " or buyer wont pursue because of cost factor involved.
Before you contact legal advice having to pay, here is a link on my website that you may want to contact for free, you state your case, and if a lawyer feels you have a case will then make contact
I assume you have contacted the selling dealer for an answer ? I would be interested whom the dealer was and what response you got ?. If you end up not having a case, and want to warn other consumers about the practice of this dealership, let me know.
Good Luck