Used Cars: need help buying a 2001 beetle, vw bug, dash lights

I am planning to buy a 2001 VW Bug with 60K miles in Connecticut.  I had the car

inspected at a local shop.  When you first turn the key, all dash lights come on

except for "check engine light".  According to the owner, when he was buying the car

used like 4 years ago, the used car dealer tampered with the system, where the light

does not come on, that is all the owner knows.  I have seen the documents, where the

car passed emmissions twice in the last 4 years without any failures.  The local shop

took the reading of the on board system, and indicated only 1 trouble code related to

evaporation canister, or something of that nature.  Understandably, the local shop

said they would need to start taking the dash apart to investigate further.

What is my biggest $ cost if I buy the car as is?

Much Thanks,  Vlad.

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