Used Cars: used car return, tough luck, discontent
QuestionHi jay, I bought a used car from a dealer who stated he was just signing over the title as a dealer and his name need not appear on the title, that not withstanding I took the car back less than 5 hrs later because the brakes had gone out and wanted a refund, now he's trying to stonewall me...opinion pls. North Carolina
AnswerWell if he is a legit representative of the dealership, he can sign for the dealership without it being in his name. Well I just dont have any good news for you, but I will make you aware of the lesson that should have been learned here, if somebody is adimant about you getting a title at the time of delivery, beware, because once the title is signed over, and delivered to the owner, it is a legit deal and there really is not much you can do about it. You might can contact the local used car commission and complain, but I do not know if that will really do anything. It really depends on the dealer, and what he cares about his reputation. As I always say it just depends on who you buy it from, here, I always try to work something out to help people out, the majority of the dealers are not that way. Being that you have obviously made him aware of your discontent, and he has already told you tough luck, he probably is not going to budge. If he cares about his reputation, and somehow you can try and severly damage his reputation, (ie: driving around in a car with a lemon painted on the window, with the name of the dealer) or something like complaining ot the used car commission. Here in oklahoma the used car commission will get all over a dealer, but I do not know about North Carolina.