I would like to know how to determine the price at which I should sell my 1993 Saturn SL2, either privately or to a dealer.
I understand that your services are listed in the buying tips category. Nevertheless, I hope that you can answer my question or point me in the right direction of finding it.
Thank you for taking the time to review my inquiry.
I am looking forward to your response.
AnswerOkay..on a car that old, the worth is 99% of what kind of condition the vehicle is in. Unless it is just super nice and low mileage, you are probably not going to have much luck selling it to a dealer, and even at that they probably will not offer much for it. That car may be of some interest to a "Tote-the-Note" type of car lot, but again, probably not going to offer you much. Your best option is to run the vehicle in a local paper for under $1000. It just seems (at least in this area), that vehicles in the paper for under $1000 will sell quick, primarily because there just really are not many vehicles, worth anything, for under $1000.00. Now if by chance you have seen at car lots and such where they are asking $2995 or even possibly $3995 for a car just like it understand, they are making a lot of profit for either high overhead reasons, or they are taking risk with un credit worthy customers. If you are not in a hurry to sell it put it in a paper for $1500 to $1900 and see how it goes. You can always go down, but you cant go up, once the price is printed. Most people can find ways to come up with cash from $500 to $1500, any higher and most of the time they are going to need financing. Again, this is not every situation, just the majority. Either way, good luck, and if I can help you further, just let me know.