Used Cars: dealer obligation, trial periods, reputable business


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after purchasing a used pickup the truck will not stay charged overnight, this was a as is purchase,is the dealer responsible?
after purchasing a used pickup the truck will not stay charged overnight, this was a as is purchase,is the dealer responsible?"  Could you rephrase.. the word chared was a type-oh I'm sure but otherwise I don't know what your question is pertaining to.... so just re-type it with that little correction and i'll answer your question.. sorry, I just want to make sure I answer the right question.. thanks!

It can depend on the dealer... some may fix the problem out of kindness, some won't.. it also depends on the paperwork... Some dealers have policies like "10 day trial periods" and similar that cover problems within a certain amount of time after purchase.  Those policies will be exclaimed in whatever paperwork you signed when you bought it, otherwise... the best you can do is ask nicely and if its a reputable business they should comply.... and its likely your problem is a bad batter or alternator (or connectors).. won't be a very expensive fix... look over your paperwork or call them - see what they say... you will probably have to read everything you signed to find out if they have any trial policies though.. if they don't admit to it over the phone they could still have one...  Sorry for your troubles and I hope this helps...