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Classic/Antique Car Repair: color code for 71 lime green chevy truck, lime green, color chips
Question 71 Longhorn - white/li I am beginning to restore a 71 Chevy Longhorn PU truck. The color scheme is white/lime green/white/lime green. I can find the code for the white paint but cant seem to find the color code for the lime green. Can you help? AnswerThere should be a tr……
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Truck Repair
Leaking head gaskets - dealership to blame (even a little bit?)
Truck feels sluggish and like it's over revving before it shifts. But not a tranny issue, throttle body? Or mass airflow sensor?
Is 4x4 in a truck necessity?
Old Truck Problems?
Replace clutch? Valve job? 2002 Tacoma
Hedging repair of misfire cost in truck to maybe save money the future?
Jacking up corner pinch weld, 2 wheels lifting up?
Can any shop perform an alignment?
Used tacoma, tundra or ridgeline?
What a challenge.... Odd truck problem
What to name my trucks
Safest way to add weight 2wd pickup?
What kind of pickup truck or vehicle to get for hauling materials
Which Pickup will be suitable for a food truck?
What contributed to light trucks and SUVs becoming more popular than cars in the USA?
Trucking: Getting own authoruty, broker freight, trucking company