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Trucking: Violation 395.8 (I) with no ticket. How many will point I get ?

Trucking: Violation 395.8 (I) with no ticket. How many will point I get ?
I got violation  395.8(I) - driver failed to submit record of duty status to motor carrier within 13 of completion.
So, how harmful is it ? How many points will I get ?
It is very light violation, as I understand( officer haven't even issued a ticket), but DOT inspection was performed, so It should be 1-10 points I guess.
Also, in a field"violation" at DRiver examination report says 395.8, but "violation discovered" is 395.8 (I).
Could I get like 8 points under assumption, that it is just 395.8 general violation ?
So, which field they based points on ? Field "Section" which says 395.8, or field " Violation discovered", which says 395.8(I) ?


 CSA points are issued for every violation found during a DOT inspection regardless of whether or not a ticket was written. The points for a violation of 395.8. Will be 5.   The carrier also gets 5 points.   It takes 3 years to completely lose the 5 points and for the carrier, 2 years. It doesn't matter whether it is 395.8 or 395

See points have NO connection to the type of points you get from a traffic ticket.  They can never suspend or DQ you because of CSA points.  But a company could not hire you if you applied and they saw you had a lot of points.

On a side note, your company has a 75% OOS rating.   3/4 inspections didn't work out to well.  I saw two of them were for rear lights.  Carry extra bulbs for both rear turn signal and tail lights.

The 395.8 violation will be pretty much painless as you guys don't even have a score under hours of Service. When you get another Level One or Two inspection....you will hit the magic number five. At five inspections , you will now be assigned a score for your Vehicle Maint BASIC and another OOS vio will NOT be good.

Hope this helps,
