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Trucking: hot shot

I used to do a littlie hot shot driving for a older friend of mine a couple of years ago.. and I like it now finally going to try and get my own truck and try and do some for myself and eventually start my own company.. so I guess my question is that when I was driving for him it was only local I am trying to find out is it cheaper to start doing only local hot shot first before I start trying to travel to the surrounding states.

Patrick, when you are starting out don't be so focused that you pass up opportunities.  Take what comes your way until you have more options than you can handle.  Then you can get selective and do what you like or pays best.  You will have fixed costs like insurance that have to paid if you are working or not so the idea is to always have a revenue paying trip with the next one lined up if possible.  Think ahead. always be thinking of what you can get at the end of each trip to minimize the empty miles.  Good luck with your venture.