Trucking: Fraud, rates, fraud
QuestionI work for a small trucking company in tennesee and all the drivers are paid on percentage which i prefer by the way. Anumber of us in the company have been feeling like the company is scamming us in our pay and doing it through the fuel surcharge.Several drivers have caught the company outright taking money out of their paychecks and have went to them and straightened it out. The problem im talking about goes alot deeper. What do we have to do to find out and make them produce the nessecary documentation proving our pay is legitimate and right. Several of us have come out and asked what rates were and they tell us well we havent figured it out yet, completely ignoring our request. I would like to know the laws on governing what an employer has to disclose to its employees with the hauling rates, and where can we access the fuel surcharge rates at? We are quite sure that the company is taking the linehaul rates and using our fuel reciepts to adjust what they take out of the rate and pay us on. Same thing with loads they are claiming are flatrated
Answerhaven't figured it out yet,hmmmm? Pretty good business man,doesn't know what he's charging to haul his freight around. Do you believe that? Go to your local freight broker and ask what he would charge for some of the loads you've hauled as well as what what he might pay a contractor to move these loads.Sounds fishy to me.You are going to have to do some investigating on your own and take the risks associated with doing so,or bite the bullet and say nothing.