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Trucking: Cadec by powervue, Cadec by powervue, CSA

QUESTION: Have you heard of cadec by powervue ?we have it installed on our vehicles and people are getting disciplined left and right for speed limit violations due to the strictness of csa if you have heard of it is it accurate?

ANSWER: hi Bob,I have heard of Cadec and I have to say that yes it is accurate in most cases.It has a very advanced computer system and it is used worldwide now by thousands of trucks...I don't agree with the strictness of the csa though..I think you should be given a bit more leeway as professional drivers.

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QUESTION: So what should we do as.far as a employees who r getting didisciplined left abd right? Should we.file a petition i heard it was for security purposes as part of a grant do we have any recourse

Honestly the question you pose is kinda of a slippery slope I think.I am not sure of the exact speeds ect that the company has governed you all at and if these speeds meet government regs ect...I think if they are catching The drivers actually breaking the posted speed limits,no matter what I or any one else  thinks about those laws ,they still are laws.I gotta be honest here I Don't know of any recourse you all might have other then finding a different employer if you are not happy,but then again unions these days have been able to make a lot of changes  within companys. Good luck with it though.thanx