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Trucking: legal dispatching, dispatcher, disservice

Is there any regulations requiring a dispatcher to dispatch driver legally. Have a dispatcher that will dispatch some us drivers without giving the full ten hours off. The problems starts when she dispatched certain drivers on the good pay runs and then has to fill the other run as she can.  She doesn't dispatch per run, but take care of certain drivers. Going  to terminal manage doesn't work. She says she can dispatch as she wishes and she and on she controls our pay.

Denise, unfortunately it's your log and if you get caught it's on your record as well as the company you are running for.  This is short sighted on the part of the dispatcher because if you run and get caught it's on their CSA record as well as yours.  If you run legally you risk missing appointments and the penalties that come with that.  It may not be illegal, but it's definitely irresponsible and a disservice to the company to dispatch this way.  She is putting the company at risk.  If the owner knows and encourages this behavior I suggest finding a more ethical company to drive for.  There are plenty of good companies looking for drivers.  If the owner does not know what is happening, you may be able to inform, but be prepared if they don't want to acknowledge the problem.  Best of luck with this difficult problem.