Trucking: Looking for work, dallas chamber of commerce, dismal economy
QuestionHello. We are trying to start up a business that will haul vehicles but my question is where can I go to look for jobs?
AnswerBoy Mel, you have a lot more courage than I do when it comes to starting a new business in this dismal economy! I don't want to scare you but the statistics don't lie...Assuming you have enough capital to start a trucking business and the required permits and insurance, then the next step is to find the most business-friendly state or region where the auto industry is strong or at least, doing alright! There are national auto haulers throughout the country that lease their services to large and small dealers as well as manufacturers. The auto industry is extremely sensitive to economic conditions, and has not recovered from this recession. It has hired or rehired around 12,000 workers since last year and there is a modest recovery but if consumer confidence continues to decline, that will cause people not to buy autos or if the unem
ployment rate stays high, that has a direct impact on car sales. There is a lot of anxiety out there about the direction of this so-called recovery, and according to latest polls, 40% of respondents, think the economy will never improve. Sorry to throw all this cold water at you, but you are taking a huge risk. I do admire your guts. Are you flexible about relocating? Texas is a great place to have the best opportunity to make money and keep your business solvent. I would contact the Dallas Chamber of Commerce or Houston and get some advice. Taxes are low, no state income tax and a strong upper income class of people throughout the state. I am not from Texas, but there are many advantages in doing business there, unlike where I have lived, in the northeast. Unions are weak there and the weather is a major consideration because when you have adverse weather conditions throughout the year, that can certainly affect the bottom line. The last thing I'd say about Texas is that its large enough where you can stay profitable in-state and not have to worry about obtaining permits to travel to other states. With over 15 million
people out of work, you really have to do your homework and think outside the box and consider all your options. If you are a young guy, and can relocate, then Texas is your best bet!!!