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Trucking: dot laws, full coverage insurance, shipping autos

Hello Paul, I have just recently started a business shipping autos and freight in the southeast u.s. and i don't know if i am operating legal, i'll tell you what i have got and we'll go from there.  I am operating a one ton truck with a 19 foot trailer and have a US-DOT # displayed on the side of the truck, i have full coverage insurance including cargo insurance. as far as a Logbook?,MC#?,AUTHORITY?, I have heard of these but don't know or understand clearly what i need.

Hi Gregg!  Great questions and I hope I can help you. Concerning MC Authority.  I would contact the "Trucking Start-UP Services.Com website.  I reviewed it and it has a wealth of information that can provide you with the correc
t answers!  Here are a couple of phone numbers: National phone number is: 866-419-3812. Since your in the Southeast here is Atlanta number: 770-205-0218.
Concerning have a logbook or not-you more than likely will have to maintain one for each of your drivers, if you drive over 150 miles from you terminal.  Sounds like you drive throughout the Southeastern states.  If you need assistance as to logbook regulations, I would suggest getting on the internet.  I took the initiative and here are 2 valuable websites: TruckingStart-UpServices.com. I looked it over and was impressed. The best website and most reputable company that specializes in trucking issues, for over 50 years is J.J.Keller in Wisconsin. Please go to JJKeller.com or call them at 877-564-2333. They know all there is to know about logbooks-they even print them for most trucking companies!
I sincerely hope these help you out Greggg-if not please let me know!