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Trucking: contracts, diesel fuel prices, high diesel fuel prices

I am starting my trucking company and i am looking for gov contracts..do you have any suggestions..i need this for my business plan...thanks...or any contract.

Thanks for your question!  I assume you know that trucking has taken a direct hit concerning the economy.  Many companies have gone out of business or just holding their own. Keep in mind, there is more drivers than there is freight!  I would find a particular niche that maybe overlooked or is deem to undesirable for many to get involved in.  I would consider hauling explosives for the government.  Drivers can make a very good living, thereby assuring longevity and stability.  You can probably obtain longterm contract with the government.  There are locations nationwide to haul.  Obviously, the requirements are significant but may be worth looking into.  We spend over $700 Billion a year on the military.  With many owner operators retiring due to high diesel fuel prices, etc... and drivers being let go, it pays to think outside the box to being profitable and being in business for the "long haul".  I would contact Department of Transportation and the Pentagon and see if this is a viable option or not.  I hope that gives you something to think about!  Good luck to you!