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Trucking: Trucking company profit, heartland express, iowa driver

What percentage of the profit earned by a trucking company is made by the driver?

It depends on a variety of factors.  It used to be that companies normally charged $1.10 a mile to haul freight. Because of the economy, it may be down a bit. Depending on driver's experience, they can earn anywhere from .23 cpm to over .50 cpm, like Heartland Express in Iowa. Driver's
pay is the largest single expense imposed on companies. Companies, on average, earn 2 or 3 cents of theat $1.10 or whatever is the going rate today. Companies profit margin is very small. Also, due to the weakness of the economy, majority of companies have done away with sign-on bonuses and safety bonuses, just to stay in business.  It is an extremely tough time for trucking and then you factor in the increase cost of diesel and makes you wonder how these companies are staying business when there are more drivers then freight. I hope this helps and I am sorry for not getting with you sooner.