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Trucking: turnover, switch carriers, money time

Dear Jim,
I have an interest in becoming a driver but am amazed at the demand for the
drivers and the turnover in this business. I can understand demand, but can
you give me some of the reasons so many companies lose employees? Are
drivers constantly switching to make more money or be closer to home or is it
something else? There are so many offers for employment driving that I as a
newcomer can't tell the good from the not-so-good opportunities. Any help
or links would be appreciated.

Ed, turnover among drivers is high because they are in demand and it's easy to change companies.  The trick as you indicated is finding the right company and sticking with it.  It seems that the grass is always greener on the other side but there are often unexpected negatives to offset the positive.  Carriers spend a lot of money, time and effort recruiting so it's in their interest to keep their existing drivers happy.  Most companies have built in raises to encourage their drivers to stay and make it less attractive to switch, so the longer you stay with a carrier the harder it is to leave.  Some drivers switch carriers every year looking for something better but end up always being at the low end of every new job.  There are some on the other hand that spend 20 or more years with the same company and are happy.  The best way to tell the good from the bad is to ask current and past drivers but ultimately you will need to make a choice and be willing to try several carriers til you find the right fit.  Every carrier has a different mix of customers with different demands so you need to decide if you want to be a road warier or home every day or somewhere in the middle rthn seek out companies that have the type of business that appeals to you.
Best of Luck Ed.