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Trucking: pay rates, freight bill, different company

My husband is employed by a company @ .25 per shipper rate. There have been times of which he has been informed by someone at the shipper that the load pays a certain amount, yet he has not been paid accordingly. He questioned the rate to the accounting and dispatching and was told that he could see the document which shows the rate of pay. He went to the office to see it but was not allowed to see the rate.  Does he have the same option to request in writing and if the rate did not match his percentage, does he have a recourse other than to find another job.

Mia, as you noted he could look for a different company to drive for perhaps one that pays by the mile regardless of what the shipper pays.  Having said that, if the company he is with now is paying a percentage of the freight bill and they are ethical and honest they should have no problem showing the freight bill.  I am assuming he is an owner operator so he should have a contract with the company that spells out exactly how the rates are calculated.  Read his contract and see if there is a provision to verify charges.  If they are not honest and above board he probably should look for another company to drive for.