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Trucking: Short Hauling, luck jim, dallas area

QUESTION: What would be a good type of hauling service between Dallas and Houston to get started in part-time and be profitable? Part-time meaning 2 days a week

ANSWER: Steve, are you an owner operator or looking for job running as a company driver?
Do you have your CDL? Any experience?  Why not full time?  Are you in Dallas or Houston?
I have some ideas but need to understand what you are looking for.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am in the Dallas area. I currently do not have a CDL, but can get one.  I do not want to do this full time as I am currently employed full time with another company.  I only work 4 days a week at my job and am wanting to do something on friday and Saturday only to supplement my current income.  I see people hauling items up and down I-45 between dallas and Houston all the time driving pick-up with trailers.  It just has my mind thinking about this opportunity.

Steve, you might consider the courier or expediting business.
Check out these sites for a general idea.  They use primarily independent contractors so you should have some flexibility to pick the company you want to contract to.  It's best to get experience as a contractor first before trying to get your own acccounts.

Good luck.