Trucking: Load Boards and Brokers, trucking business, getloaded
QuestionQUESTION: Hi! We will open a trucking business hauling produce and general freight from Texas. I am seeing plenty of loads on truckstop and getloaded dealing with produce and other freight and wanted to know about the load boards and the brokers posting the loads. When you call a broker with a certain load, what is the process involved from the calling to the booking of the load? I.E when you call for a load posted, do you neogiate the rate with them until you both agree the rate or do you leave them a rate and hope they call you back? Please give me some advice om load boards and how to book a load in detail from the load board. We have experience in the trucking industry so i know the "trucking" terms. Thank you for the advice and details and gave a great day!
ANSWER: E.A. It can work either way but typically they will ask you to name your "all-in" price.
This is all spot market business so the broker is trying to find the lowest cost carrier to increase his margin.
Over time you will probably find some brokers better than others to work with.
Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Cool, thanks for awnsering the question. So when you call a broker to book a load (example: Chicago, IL to Houston, TX)do you negogiate with them until both parties are sastified or? Also in addition to broker information and load boards, can you give me some insight on load boards? that will be great information to absorb. Thank You again and have a wonderful day!
AnswerEA, I really don't have much insight on load boards. They make their money on listing or subscription fees. Some of them aggregate lane and pricing or other data mining information taht they sell back to their users.
Hope this helps a little.