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Trucking: Best Type of Car Hauler, 5th wheel, luck jim

My question is two parts: 1. What's the best type of trailer hitch for car hauling: GN, 5th Wheel or Bumper Pull?  Secondly is it better to use a long flatbed trailer for hotshotting so that you have the ability to carry a variety of things or just use a specialized car hauler.

Cecil, I'm no expert in this area, but if I were starting I would probably choose a long flatbed with a 5th wheel for maneuverability, flexibility and capacity.  You always want to have as many options as possible.  With a flatbed you can haul just about any type of equipment from hot tubs to farm or construction equipment.
Best to talk to experienced haulers in your area to get their opinions.  Stop in any busy truck stop and start asking around.
Good luck.