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Trucking: team vs solo service pricing, solo service, emergency loads


I have searched all over to find an answer to this question: as a shipper, How much more per mile should I expect to pay for team service over solo service? I am looking at the different options to move freight coast to coast in the fastest, most cost effective way. The rates we have been quoted have varied greatly.


Grant, each company looks at team operational a little differently.  For coast to coast they will usually but not always be using Owner Operators being paid on mileage.  Typically if the company operates both solo and team they will pay a premium to the team of a few cents to 10 cents per mile.  Add in their overhead and they could be quoting as much as 15 cents per mile higher for team service.  Some of it will depend on what the market will pay.  Are these regular repetitive moves or occasional short notice emergency loads?  Is it just expedited service, or do you require security for high value loads also?   These are some of the factors that the carrier will consider when quoting your price.  Your best bet is to keep getting competitive quotes from a variety of carriers large and small until you find the one or two that can meet your needs most economically.
Hope this helps.