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Trucking: Calif rules, foot maximum length, vehicle combinations

Legal length for CA. for trailer axles is measured?

Hi Lucas....
That isn't such a simple question as it may appear.  You can go to
http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/trucksize/length.htm for the details and specific trailer type you want to know.  Below are all the categories and details.  If you can't find your answer please feel free to resubmit the question with the specific trailer type you for which you need information.

35400. (a) "A vehicle may not exceed a length of 40 feet." A vehicle is defined in CVC Section 670 as: "...a device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn upon a highway, excepting a device moved exclusively by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks." According to this definition, a vehicle includes a trailer being towed.


The following are not included in the 40-foot maximum length:
35400. (b)
Auxiliary parts. (See diagram: "Auxiliary Parts in a Combination")
fender and mudguard parts if required. (See diagram: "Single Vehicle")

A semitrailer while being towed by a motortruck or truck tractor, if the kingpin-to-rearmost-axle (KPRA) distance of the semitrailer does not exceed 40 feet for semitrailers having two or more axles, or 38 feet for semitrailers having one axle. (See diagrams: "One Axle Semi-Trailer" and "Two or More Axle Semi-Trailer.")

35401. (b) (2) A B-train assembly is excluded from the measurement of semitrailer length when used between the first and second semitrailers of a truck tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combination. However, if there is no second semitrailer, it shall be included in the length measurement of the semitrailer to which it is attached. (See diagram: "B-Train Assembly.")

35401. (a) No vehicle combinations may exceed a total length of 65 feet. (See diagram: "California Legal Trucks")

(b) (1) A combination of vehicles which consists of a truck tractor, a semitrailer, and a semitrailer or trailer, may not exceed 75 feet, if neither the semitrailers nor the trailer in the combination of vehicles exceeds 28 feet 6 inches. (See diagram: "California Legal Doubles")

21715. (a) No passenger vehicle, or any other motor vehicle under 4,000 pounds, shall tow more than one vehicle, except for a tow dolly. (b) No motor vehicle under 4,000 pounds unladen shall tow any vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds or more gross.

410. A "motor truck" or "motortruck" is a motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property. (A pick up truck meets this definition.)

35401.5. (a) A combination of vehicles consisting of a truck tractor and semitrailer, or of a truck tractor, semitrailer, and trailer may exceed the length limits (single-unit: 40-foot maximum; single-trailer: 65-foot; doubles: 65-foot or 75-foot maximum) on the National Network and Terminal Access routes (see routes at: "Truck Network Map"), provided that:

(1) The length of the semitrailer in exclusive combination with a truck tractor does not exceed 48 feet. The semitrailer is not more than 53 feet in length, with two or more rear axles and a maximum 40-foot KPRA, or with a single axle and a maximum 38-foot KPRA. (For purposes of this paragraph, a motortruck used in combination with a semitrailer, when that combination of vehicles is engaged solely in the transportation of motor vehicles, camper units, or boats, is considered to be a truck tractor.)

(2) For doubles, neither the semitrailer nor trailer exceeds 28 feet 6 inches.

(These are called "STAA" trucks. For a history of STAA trucks, see the fact sheet: "Truck Route Classifications." For graphic representation of STAA truck lengths, see Truck Map Legend. See also the diagram: "STAA")


(c) STAA vehicles may also use highways which provide reasonable access to terminals and facilities for purposes limited to fuel, food, lodging, and repair when that access is safe and when the facility is within one road mile of identified exits. (See the fact sheet: "Service Access Routes.")


(d) The Department of Transportation or local authorities may establish a process whereby access to terminals or services may be applied for upon a route not previously established as an access route. The denial of a request shall be only on the basis of safety and an engineering analysis. If a written request has not been acted upon within 90 days of receipt by the department or the local agency, the access shall be deemed automatically approved. Thereafter, the route shall be deemed open to all other STAA vehicles. The Department of Transportation or local authorities may provide signing, mapping, or a listing of highways to indicate terminal access routes. "Terminal" means either of the following: (1) A facility where freight originates, terminates, or is handled in the transportation process. (2) A facility where a motor carrier maintains operating facilities. (For more information, see the fact sheet: "Terminal Access Application Procedures.")

(e) Nothing in (c) or (d) authorizes state or local agencies to require permits or to charge fees for the purpose of attaining access.

35401. (e) Any city or county may restrict the kingpin to rearmost axle distance to 38 feet, but not less, on those highways under its jurisdiction. (See diagram: "Two or More Axle Semi-Trailer.")

35401. (f) The Department of Transportation may recommend restricting the maximum kingpin to rear axle (KPRA) lengths on certain highways, but to not less than 38 feet. By January 1, 1989, the Department shall erect advisory signs on state highways that cannot safely accommodate trailers or semitrailers of the maximum kingpin to rearmost axle distances permitted. (See diagram: "Two or More Axle Semi-Trailer.")

35401.1. A combination of vehicles with a KPRA of 38 to 40 feet may be operated on local highways only where it is deemed to be safe by the owner or operator of the vehicle.

35401. (d) Any city or county may prohibit a combination of vehicles of a total length in excess of 60 feet upon highways under its jurisdiction.

35401. (b) (3) A vehicle combination may have a total length of not more than 75 feet, if it is an agricultural product hauler, and complies with a number of requirements. (See the web page: "Agricultural Product Haulers Length Exemption.")


35401. (c) A tow truck is exempt from the 65-foot maximum combination limit when operating with an annual transportation permit, within a 100-mile radius, and in combination with a disabled and/or abandoned vehicle.


35401.3. (a) A combination of vehicles designed and used to transport motor vehicles, camper units, or boats, which consists of a motortruck and stinger-steered semitrailer, shall be allowed a length of up to 70 feet, or 75 feet, depending on certain conditions. (For details, see the web page: "Auto, Boat, & Camper Transporters Exemption.")


(f) The limitations of access do not apply to licensed carriers of household goods when directly enroute to or from a point of loading or unloading of household goods, if travel on highways other than those specified in subdivision (a) is necessary and incidental to the shipment of the household goods. (For more information, see the fact sheet: "Household Goods Movers." See also the diagram: "Licensed Carriers of Household Goods: Truck Tractor & Semi-Trailer.")


(g) (1) The Department of Transportation or local authorities may issue a permit authorizing a combination of vehicles consisting of a STAA vehicle with a KPRA of not more than 46 feet on trailers used in connection with motorsports. (For more information, see the web page: "Motorsports Exemption.")


35401.7.(a) The limitations of access specified in subdivision (d) of Section 35401.5 do not apply to licensed carriers of livestock on certain routes and under certain circumstances. (For details, see the web page: "Livestock Haulers Exemption.")


35401.8. (a) A combination of vehicles designed and used to transport agricultural biomass may extend to a total combined length of 75 feet, under certain circumstances. (For details, see the web page: "Agricultural Biomass Exemption.")

35402. (a) Any extension used to increase the carrying capacity of a vehicle shall be included in measuring the length of a vehicle. However, a drawbar shall be included in measuring the overall length of a combination of vehicles, but not the length of a vehicle. (For more information, see the web page: "Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.")

(b) Extensions up to 18 inches in length on auto haulers (car carriers) shall not be included when loaded. (For details, see the web page: "Auto, Boat, & Camper Transporters Exemption.")

(c) An extension of up to 18 inches on the last trailer shall not be included, or on the front of the first trailer, depending on the route used. (For more information, see the web page: "Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.")

(d) Any extension not used to carry a load and not exceeding three feet on the rear of a vehicle for pushing the vehicle or a combination that is for to transporting earth, sand, gravel shall be included in the length of the vehicle but not the overall length of the combination of vehicles. (For more information, see the web page: "Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.")

(e) A truck semitrailer combination, but not a truck tractor and semitrailer combination, may use a sliding fifth wheel, or a truck tractor, semitrailer, trailer, and a truck-trailer combination may use a sliding drawbar, to extend the combination by not more than 2 feet 6 inches while traveling 35 miles per hour or less on any highway, freeway onramps and offramps, and freeway connectors, but not a freeway. The sliding fifth wheel or drawbar shall not be included in the overall length of the combination, under certain conditions. (For more information, see the web page: "Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.")

35403. Safety devices which are required to be mounted upon a vehicle may extend beyond the permissible vehicle length up to 10 inches. (For more information, see the web page: "Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.")

35406. The load upon any vehicle or the front vehicle of a combination of vehicles, shall not extend more than three feet beyond the foremost part of the front tires of the vehicle or the front bumper of the vehicle, or four feet, if the load is composed solely of vehicles. (For more information, see the web page: Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.)

35407. Section 35406 does not apply to booms or masts of shovels, cranes or water well drilling and servicing equipment carried upon a motor vehicle in certain conditions (For more information, see the web page: Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.)

35407.5. Certain requirement in the previous two sections do not apply to the booms or masts of a self-propelled heel-boom log loader first sold in this state prior to January 1, 1988, in certain conditions. (For more information, see the web page: Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.)

35408. A front bumper may not project more than two feet forward of the fenders or cab structure or radiator.

35409. (a) Any motor vehicle used for taking photographs, motion pictures, or television pictures or for teaching safe driving may be equipped with a device extending forward five feet. (For more information, see the web page: Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.)


35410. The load shall not extend to the rear more than two-thirds of the wheelbase. The wheelbase of a semitrailer is the distance between the rearmost axle of the towing vehicle and the rearmost axle of the semitrailer. (For more information, see the web page: Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.)

35411. The load upon any combination of vehicles shall not exceed 75 feet. (For more information, see the web page: Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.)

35414. (a) Poles, timbers, pipes, integral structural materials, or single unit component parts may not exceed 80 feet when transported upon certain equipment. (b) A public utility company or local public agency may transport up to three poles not exceeding 80 feet on a pole or pipe dolly. (For more information, see the web page: Overhang -- Load Length and Extension Limits.)

35404. Any county having a population in excess of 4,000,000 and having within its limits a natural island with an area in excess of 20,000 acres may prohibit the use of any highway or lane (1) by any vehicle exceeding an overall length of 170 inches and an overall width of 65 inches, or (2) by any such vehicle and all vehicles driven by internal combustion engines.