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Trucking: Car Hauling, public liability insurance, fmcsa regulations


Do you know if I need a Haz Mat class 9 for hauling cars.  This will be a wedge
trailer and pick.  I am told different info from state and fed.  Thanks for your

Thanks for the question........

reference: 49 CFR 172.101
reference: 49 CFR 173.220
The short answer is that you do NOT have to have a HazMat endorsement to transport cars.  However, Under FMCSA regulations Part 387, for insurance (financial responsibility requirements) purposes only, you'll be required to maintain $1,000,000 BIPD as opposed to $750,000.

******Question 8: Are motor vehicles being transported considered to be HM for purposes of the financial responsibility requirements, thus requiring the higher limits set forth in the regulations?

******Guidance: Yes. Even though vehicles being transported by motor vehicle are subject only to 49 CFR 173.220 of the HMRs, they meet the definition of “Hazardous material” in 49 CFR 171.8 because “Vehicle, flammable gas powered” and “Vehicle, flammable liquid powered” are designated as hazardous in 49 CFR 172.101 [UN 3166]. For that reason, vehicles transporting other vehicles would have to carry $1,000,000 of public liability insurance.


I hope this answers your question.