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Trucking: Start Up Websites, illegal trucking, stop illegal trucking

My husband and I are in the process of starting a motorcycle/car hauling business and already know of ubid.com but wondered what other websites there are to find loads.  We have an enclosed trailer with the capability of hauling 25 bikes and another for cars that is open and can haul 5 cars.  We have all of the equipment but need the sites to obtain the jobs.  Thank you for your help.

Dawn Brooks

Hi Dawn...
One that is primarily for autos you may want to take a look at is Central Dispatch. (centraldispatch.com)  It is a subscription service for motor carriers and I believe it is about $147 each quarter for unlimited use.  You have to have active interstate motor carrier authority and insurance.  If I recall correctly they request three references and you'll need to send in your credentials packet for verification.

One other one is uShip.com.  This one I would suggest you approach with caution.  There have been numerous scandals and rip offs reported as a result of uShip's "so called" match service.  They function somewhat differently from most load boards in that it operates similar to a reverse auction.  A shipper lists an item and service providers bid on it.  There is no contact allowed between the shipper and bidder except through the uShip website since direct communications is prohibited.  You may also encounter "phantom" loads that do not exist.  There also appears to be numerous auction buyers that have nothing to ship but only want quotes or shipping cost ideas before bidding.  All this can be extremely time consuming and often wastes the motor carrier's time for hours or days ending in no transaction.

One of the most often heard criticisms of uShip by legal motor carriers is the fact that uShip doesn't screen any of their motor carriers (known as Transportation Service Providers or TSPs).  uShip claims to be a neutral venue denying they're a transportation service provider or broker.  Since uShip does not screen their TSPs or verify their legal credentials, i.e. motor carrier authority & insurance, it has become a haven for illegal transporters operating without interstate motor carrier authority and often with no insurance.  Since those transporters do not have all the expenses of a legal motor carrier, they can offer a much reduced rate.  The end result is that you are competing with illegal motor carriers who have an unfair advantage.  Unfortunately, even when uShip staff is made aware that someone is operating illegally, they rarely take action hiding behind the guise of being a "neutral venue".  So just be aware of how they operate before getting too involved with uShip.

There is another website where you can meet and exchange ideas through our forum.  Many of our members are motorcycle and auto transporters that have similar operations to the one you describe.  Feel free to check it out and ask any questions you want in our forum on the "Stop Illegal Trucking" website.  You can also direct questions to me via that forum.  Thanks for the question and I hope this helps some.