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Trucking: adding brokerage to trucking company, surety bond, trucking company

I currently work for a trucking company.  We would like to broker extra loads.  We have been around for 6 years and would like to add the brokerage authority to our current MC number.  We dont want to have to set up another company and deal with the issues of having a new mc#

You'll need to add the appropriate filings with FMCSA.  You can brokerage authority on line at:
You will need to revise your MCS 150 and complete an additional OP 1 form.  The cost is $300 for each authority requested.  Before your brokerage authority is activated you'll have to post a $10,000 surety bond  or trust fund in one of the acceptable forms.  An excellent source of information and place to ask questions can be found at:
Feel free to check out some of the recent experiences and advice of the members.