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Trucking: crst/contracts, enthusiasum, luck jim

Mr. Bowers:
I was intrigued by your comments to an individual that was disspointed with CRST and thier contract. Well, written. crst, web certainly shows all very happy. Why is it all these large companies seem to have a huge turn-over and terribly disgruntled drivers and employees? As an older former person in this business(years ago)I am concerned with these companies and or how to properly choose a company if I switch careers(at an older age)and jump into this business with gusto and enthusiasum that in my opinion the business needs. Thank you in advance for your time and expertise!
Dan Kennedy

To answer your question Dan; "Why is it all these large companies seem to have a huge turn-over and terribly disgruntled drivers and employees?", I can only guess that they have no trouble attracting new recruits to take the place of the ones that leave.  Some of it is forced by safety standards.  If a driver has excessive accidents or violations it starts to affect the safety rating of the carrier which makes it harder to land new business and drives up insurance costs.  So they will cut an unsafe or marginal driver rather than risk the liability of a major accident.  The fact that they know they can attract another driver to fill the seat makes it possible.  That's just one cause of turnover, but you will find that companies with low turnover generally hire only the best drivers to begin with and then take care of them.  The demands of the road and the customers require a cool head and ability to be flexible and safety minded.  These professional drivers may turn over until they find the right match and then they stay.  Do as much research and talk to other drivers before you make your decision and you have a good chance of finding the right fit on the first or second try.
Best of luck.